So much for a quiet week off!

Okay, this week (Sept 14-18) was scheduled as one of our few “math only” weeks. It is meant for a mental rest from school and for mom to catch up on all the things that have gone to the wayside.

Well, it is Thursday and I still have 6 loads of laundry to do. No, I am not kidding. What happened to the time? I think Monday will pretty much explain it. We first drove from Roswell Georgia to Athens Georgia to purchase some wonderful used books for you. Since it is an hour and a half drive I took the girls to the little FREE zoo they have in Athens. I love it! We discovered by accident about 2 years ago. It is called Bear Hollow Trail and you can click here for more information. Then we drove home. My in-laws were to pick the girls up and take them to their house at 4pm and return them back to us the following day at 12pm. I went to Costco after that BY MYSELF. If anyone ever told me that I would feel peace and joy in Costco by being by myself I would have questioned that persons sanity. Now, I question mine because I did fell joy and peace! After that I returned home, unload the hundreds of dollars of precious cargo, and proceeded to get ready to travel to Decatur Georgia to watch my husband at an open mic at Eddie’s Attic.  It was very nice and he did a great job. We then grabbed a bite to eat at Majestic Diner in Atlanta. We arrived home at 1am! Haven’t done that in a while! And that was just MONDAY! I logged 250 miles on the van that day!

Published in: on September 17, 2009 at 11:01 am  Leave a Comment  
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