New Homeschool Bookstore

INTRODUCING HS LOFT Homeschool Bookstore and the Family Behind It.

HS LOFT was founded to assist homeschool families such as ourselves. We are a homeschooling family with 3 amazing daughters. They are great helpers at the store. Even the three year has her own special job!

We are excited about sharing all our incredible ”finds” with you. Because value is so important to us, we work hard everyday to locate only those books in the best condition.

We also offer NEW books for those special occasions when only a new book will do. Our goal is to offer you all the books you need in one easy location.

Therefore, we have focused on Mother of Divine Grace and Sonlight curriculum. We offer Dover Thrift and Usborne books which accompany those curriculums.


I find it imperative that I stick to a schedule. Otherwise, productivity suffers and I feel disappointed in my progress at the end of the day.

Now, back to the schedule. I must admit I cannot function longer than one day without one. Okay..I can function but productivity suffers and I feel dissappointed in my progress at the end of the day. So I thought that I might share with you what our schedule will look like this year. The bulk of the work will be accomplished from 9:30-12:30 pm
Monday-Thursday. I have a 9 year old in 4th grade , a 7 year old in 2nd grade and a 3 year old in school because if she wasn’t I would easily let the precious time slip away with all “my important Martha-like duties of the day”.

9:30-10:00: I will be with my 3 year old and the 7 & 9 year olds will start their work going through things that they definitely can do by themselves (i.e. handwriting) and work through as much as they can on other subjects.
I plan on reading one book a week from ”Before Five in a Row”” and
doing one activity, while I pick at the moment, for us to do the story. Then on Mondays we will work on her Letters, Tuesdays on her shapes, Wednesday on her colors and Thursdays on her numbers. (Sounds like – The Tawny Scrawny Lion – doesn’t it?)
10:00-10:30: Hopefully little one is content with her Mommy time and can play quietly while I move on to my 7 year old. Meanwhile my 9 year old is still working on her own, downstairs in the school room. I have found that girls work better if they are in separate locatiions. That is another story for another time.

10:30-11:30: We all come together, probably in the living room, and we will learn Latin, Science, Art and Music together. We work on 2-3 of these subjects on a given day.

11:30-12:30: I will focus on my 9 year old while my 7 year old finishes whatever she needs to and then help play with the little one.

We then brake for a nutritious lunch followed by a quiet hour of independent reading.

That’s it. That’s the Doyle Game Plan for the 2009-10 school year. If you are new to homeschooling or are considering it I sincerely pray that in some small way this eased your mind or answered a question. I will never, ever forget when we first started how much it meant to me to be able to speak to a real homeschooling mom. It was far more helpful than any book or internet search. If you are a longer veteran than I am, I hope I made you laugh knowing that it is unlikely that the 3 year old is going to be content for two and a half hours after having only 30 minutes of Mommy time.

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Published in: on July 30, 2009 at 11:17 pm  Leave a Comment  