High Quality A Beka Books!

If you are looking for A Beka books for the remainder of your school year, look no further than HS Loft Homeschool Bookstore. We have thousands of books that are in excellent condition. We have many worktexts that are in PERFECT condition! Also we are not closed from December 21 to January 4th like A Beka is.  If you order it, we mail it!

Visit us today at www.hsloft.com or call us at 1-877-312-5638

Merry Christmas!

Published in: on December 18, 2009 at 2:42 pm  Leave a Comment  

Entrepreneurs: Do We Have An Opportunity For You!

HS Loft Homeschool Bookstore is on the search for new products.

We know that the Spirit of America is alive and well in the homeschool community. That ingenuity and entrepreneurialism are not lost to days gone by. We want to celebrate it, promote it and make it part of America’s character again. Okay, so now that we have shown you our patriotic tendencies, what does it mean for you? Well, we at HS Loft think we have a win-win situation for all involved: you, us and America. We now offer a consignment opportunity for you to have a platform for your homeschool book or product. You get to concentrate on using your creativity to enhance your current product or make new ones up while we work hard to sell your items. As for America, well, she gets to grow stronger and stronger in the process. So if you have a great product already made, email us for our consignment agreement. Who knows, this may be the beginning of something BIG!



Robert & Stephanie Doyle

Staff at HS Loft





HS Loft Homeschool Bookstore

555 Sun Valley Drive Suite K3 Roswell, GA 30076

1-877-312-5638    www.hsloft.com Stephanie@hsloft.com


New Product Consignment Agreement

  1. All books and products are accepted for consignment at the discretion of the staff at HS Loft.
  2. Selling price will be agreed upon by both consignee and HS Loft.
  3. Consignee is to provide a supply of at least 2 of the item that is being consigned.  Consignee is also to provide a written description of the product and a digital picture. Item will not be placed in the store or on the Internet store until that is done.
  4. HS Loft and consignee may terminate this agreement at any time with written notice.
  5. HS Loft is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
  6. Consignee will receive 50% of the selling price. Checks are sent quarterly if the consignee’s total is $10.00 or more. When under $10, the balance is carried over to the next quarter.

I have read and agree to the above terms: Date:____________






HS Loft Homeschool Bookstore’s First Acquisition

We have been able to acquire quality inventory for you all from a retiring homeschool bookstore in our state. It is a win-win situation. They have been in business for 14 years and are ready to retire. So what does that mean for you?

Lots and lots of quality A Beka books at great prices! Visit HS Loft Homeschool Bookstore to view and purchase the thousands of A Beka books we have available. Don’t forget we have lots of items that would make great gifts too.

Homeschooling Under Attack in the UK

Apparently there is an organization called the CES (Catholic Education Services) that SHOULD BE DEFENDING Catholic homeschoolers in the UK but instead have sided with their government for not so friendly terms in establishing laws and/or regulations regarding homeschooling in the UK.

Read this to start with: CES broadly supports Government Homeschooling proposal

I am not completely well versed in the history or current state of homeschooling in the UK. However it seems like it is what the US was like with homeschooling in the late 70’s and 80’s. I think the homeschoolers in the UK would value much from hearing from those veteran homeschooling parents who fought for it to be legal in the US. I do not know how to find this group of people, so you will have to find me. If you are someone whom I should thank with all my heart for reaping the fruit of your struggle and sacrifice, please email me at stephanie@hsloft.com if you would like to assist homeschooling family in the UK in their struggle.

Now Available: Full Homeschool Consultations

You pay for only what you need! There are many, many questions and concerns that run through ones mind when seriously considering homeschooling. At HS Loft, we want to encourage and help in all aspects of homeschooling. Our Consultant will first and foremost hear and answer the best she can all the pressing thoughts and questions that you have. She will also help you with all aspects of curriculum, scheduling, daily life plan, extra curricular and social activities.

You can receive whatever level of help you need. For instance, The first hour is $25 and all other consecutive conferences are only $20 per hour. If you are local, meaning you can drive to the Roswell GA store, you may have your consultation in person (recommended) or via phone. Currently, HS Loft can only assist those of you outside of the Atlanta area by phone and mail (both email and snail mail)

What are you waiting for! now that you’ve decided that homeschooling is a possibility, make it flourish!

New Catholic Inventory

We have received a large shipment of new Catholic homeschooling books. You can browse at www.hsloft.com or call me at 770-552-0034

Keeping it Catholic
Vision Books (saints)
Catholic Books
Coloring Books
Treasure Box
Word Power (Revived spelling program from catholic schools, written by nuns: Sister M. Josephina, C.S.J. Sister M. Florence, S.S.N.D., Sister M. Pierre, S.S.N.D.

Stephanie Doyle
HS Loft Homeschool Bookstore
555 Sun Valley Drive
Suite K3
Roswell, GA 30076

Potty Training & Phonics: What’s the Connection?

In my opinion,  a lot more than you think!

Here is a list of similarities:

1. Both are paramount skills that one must learn in life.

2. Both seem insurmountable to the first time mom.

3. Both have a timing factor: you may be ready but your child must be on board  too or forget it.

4. Both have way too many people and companies making it more complicated and expensive than it needs to be.

5.  Once your mission is accomplished you can’t believe you fretted so much over it!

So remember, no one goes off to college still in diapers and you won’t even be going to college until you can read anyway!

Fear not, both will be accomplished. No need to fret or stress out, just take a deep breathe and live in the present moment.

If you want or need advice on choosing a phonics program, call HS Loft New & Used Homeschool Bookstore for a curriculum consultant at 770-552-0034 or email stephanie@hsloft.com

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Stephanie Doyle

Published in: on September 23, 2009 at 7:02 pm  Leave a Comment  

Free To Be and To Teach About Chocolate!

Oh the exhilarating freedom of homeschooling!! It at times must be the same feeling one has if you were to sky dive. Please somebody let me know because although I won’t blink an eyelash as I jump off the homeschool mountain I can assure you that I will not be jumping off a real mountain in the near future. But now let’s get back to the important stuff like chocolate.

You see it is my turn to teach class at co-op and this fall semester we are focusing on inventions. I happened to believe that the chocolate bar is a worthy invention that all should know about. Do you know where the cocoa beans comes from? At this point I am assuming that you knew that chocolate starts out as a bean, a bitter one at that.  What continent did it travel to in the 1500’s and who brought it there? Who was able to get it and in what form? What did Francis Fry have to do with anything? What is the story of competition with Hershey, Godiva, Ghirardelli & Nestle? Most importantly, who makes the best chocolate?? 🙂

Today I search Atlanta for raw or roasted cocoa beans. I thought I had it all taken care of when I thought , “Ah..Dekalb Farmers Market will have it.” Good thing I called yesterday, they don’t. Well, I least I know where to get the taste samples from!

So there you have it ….chocolate and homeschool, what more do I need?

Published in: on September 18, 2009 at 6:39 am  Leave a Comment  
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FREE Magazine

I came across this and it is hard for me to resist anything free or a good bargain. Aren’t you glad that I am the buyer for HS LOFT Homeschool Bookstore?! Anyway, here is some information for you to decide it you are interested. I am copying straight from their website:

Rising from the past like an avenging angel, The Tarpeian Rock is the bane of post-modernists, profligates, and purveyors of literary and artistic stultiloquy everywhere. For too long, mediocrity, absurdity, and obscenity have dominated the worlds of art and literature. Inspired by a satanic vocation, the enlightened experts have spent the last hundred years or so declaring the beautiful trite, and the ugly transcendent. And what do we have to show for this century of confusion? Piles of rusting metal that some consider sculpture; Meaningless novels which celebrate moral and cultural relativism; Poetry that is nothing but flaccid prose with bad line breaks; The expurgation of God from public discourse except as an object of criticism. The finest galleries house art that could easily be replicated by a troubled five year-old. Everywhere there is an infantile obsession with pornographic titillation.

In this milieu, The Tarpeian Rock provides a welcome counter-punch. This is a magazine that discerning readers enjoy and yet feel comfortable leaving on the coffee table where their kids might see it. Called “the work of a coterie of committed and practiced writers” by Literary Magazine Review, The Tarpeian Rock includes works both sober and humorous. Clever short stories are featured alongside insightful opinion pieces with the main theme being an appreciation for God, country, and traditional values. Pieces that extol a particular virtue, like faith, courage, loyalty, honesty, love, hope, or compassion are particularly welcomed. Also satirical pieces that really take the gloves off in attacking relativism, nihilism, pseudoscience, political correctness, or cultural vulgarity are given pride of place.

Click here to get the information to receive your free copy.

Published in: on September 17, 2009 at 2:09 pm  Leave a Comment  
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So much for a quiet week off!

Okay, this week (Sept 14-18) was scheduled as one of our few “math only” weeks. It is meant for a mental rest from school and for mom to catch up on all the things that have gone to the wayside.

Well, it is Thursday and I still have 6 loads of laundry to do. No, I am not kidding. What happened to the time? I think Monday will pretty much explain it. We first drove from Roswell Georgia to Athens Georgia to purchase some wonderful used books for you. Since it is an hour and a half drive I took the girls to the little FREE zoo they have in Athens. I love it! We discovered by accident about 2 years ago. It is called Bear Hollow Trail and you can click here for more information. Then we drove home. My in-laws were to pick the girls up and take them to their house at 4pm and return them back to us the following day at 12pm. I went to Costco after that BY MYSELF. If anyone ever told me that I would feel peace and joy in Costco by being by myself I would have questioned that persons sanity. Now, I question mine because I did fell joy and peace! After that I returned home, unload the hundreds of dollars of precious cargo, and proceeded to get ready to travel to Decatur Georgia to watch my husband at an open mic at Eddie’s Attic.  It was very nice and he did a great job. We then grabbed a bite to eat at Majestic Diner in Atlanta. We arrived home at 1am! Haven’t done that in a while! And that was just MONDAY! I logged 250 miles on the van that day!

Published in: on September 17, 2009 at 11:01 am  Leave a Comment  
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